Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Legacy to Remember

On October 30th Joseph's great grandmother passed away. She was 93 years old and had 8 children. Most people today would assume no birth control was used but I believe she trusted God and believed Psalm 127:3,5 that children are a heritage from the Lord; blessed is the man whose quiver is full. She was a PRAYER WARRIOR to the utmost. She believed 1 Thess. 5:17-pray without ceasing. I was only around her a few times but in her presence I heard the Lord's voice through her and knew she knew Jesus personally. She was definitely filled with the Holy Spirit so being around her was exciting!! At her funeral yesterday I realized that a poor woman from Missouri was one of the richest women I've ever met. She loved the Lord with all her heart, soul, mind and strength until her last day on earth. I am a little jealous that she's in Heaven dancing with Jesus and getting to hear Him say, "Well done good and faithful servant." I strive to be that prayer warrior and that great woman of faith too for my family and those around me until my race is complete. I pray that I too can pass on that legacy to my children and my grandchildren. I hope that my children have an inheritance, not of earthly wealth but of eternal value. And continue praying a very POWERFUL prayer she always prayed" Lord, don't let one drop of my blood enter hell." A prayer of salvation for all the family. Amazing. What a gift she had given to so many. Being Jesus in darkness and a hope to all around her. Her legacy will live on in the lives of her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and even now, her great-great grandchildren. Oh how I long to be with my Saviour but until then I will strive to be like Katie Mae Carnell who loved the Lord with great passion and had a love affair with God's Word, as someone stated yesterday. Jesus is the way, the Truth and the Life.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My God is So Big

I realize in today’s society and even the church today many people under estimate God. I, at times, am definately guilty of this. We read the bible, or maybe we don’t. We hear the preacher speaking about God in churches, maybe we don’t. Either way we have a perception of God and His power.

My early perception of God was definately based on childhood church and how I was raised. Then later in life, God tugged at my heart and I began to listen to what He wanted to teach me. And therefore He revealed marvelous signs and wonders to me. I am writing this blog because I want people to realize that we serve the same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The same God who raised Christ from the dead, many years ago. He is the same God that lives in us, as believers.

So why do we misrepresent God and cause people to percieve God as a God He really isn’t?

I have many ideas on this, but ultimately God has to speak to your heart and He will reveal His nature and by the Word that is alive.[aka the bible]

I hope that you will never be satisfied in mediocrity and complacency. That your childhood faith anchors you but ultimately it is God Himself that draws you into intimacy. I pray that your heart will be tugged on too. God has a lot to reveal to His children. The question is, will we take time to listen?

Why the Holy Spirit?

After talking to a few people the last few weeks I have a better grasp on peoples outlook on God. People really don’t want a part of a “religious” life style because honestly, it usually puts you in company with very judgemental people. This really saddens me because when I stopped putting a face on God and just sought Him for who He was and who He is, my “religious” way of thinking actually came tumbling down. I became so humbled that God Himself would speak to me by the Holy Spirit in dreams, visions and prophecy and in the quiet moments of the day. That no church taught me who the God I know and love today, was. I never saw the fruits of spiritual gifts growing up. In fact, the Holy Spirit was seldom heard. This is also another downfall of the American theological mindset in most, not all, churches today.

There is POWER when the Holy Spirit comes! People want to see God and feel God and although we follow God by faith He also can’t wait to reveal Himself to you!! I am still blown away and awestruck by His might! I pulled this from an article that explains a little more in depth. I hope you seek God’s presence. Its what I live for.

**Once we are saved and belong to God, the Spirit takes up residence in our hearts forever, sealing us with the confirming, certifying, and assuring pledge of our eternal state as His children. Jesus said He would send the Spirit to us to be our Helper, Comforter, and Guide. “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever” (John 14:16). The Greek word translated here “Counselor” means “one who is called alongside” and has the idea of someone who encourages and exhorts. The Holy Spirit takes up permanent residence in the hearts of believers (Romans 8:9; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 12:13). Jesus gave the Spirit as a “compensation” for His absence, to perform the functions toward us which He would have done if He had remained personally with us.Among those functions is that of revealer of truth. The Spirit’s presence within us enables us to understand and interpret God’s Word. Jesus told His disciples that “when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13). He reveals to our minds the whole counsel of God as it relates to worship, doctrine, and Christian living. He is the ultimate guide, going before, leading the way, removing obstructions, opening the understanding, and making all things plain and clear. He leads in the way we should go in all spiritual things. Without such a guide, we would be apt to fall into error. A crucial part of the truth He reveals is that Jesus is who He said He is (John 15:26; 1 Corinthians 12:3). The Spirit convinces us of Christ’s deity and incarnation, His being the Messiah, His suffering and death, His resurrection and ascension, His exaltation at the right hand of God, and His role as the judge of all. He gives glory to Christ in all things (John 16:14).

Another one of the Holy Spirit’s roles is that of gift-giver. First Corinthians 12 describes the spiritual gifts given to believers in order that we may function as the body of Christ on earth. All these gifts, both great and small, are given by the Spirit so that we may be His ambassadors to the world, showing forth His grace and glorifying Him.

The Spirit also functions as fruit-producer in our lives. When He indwells us, He begins the work of harvesting His fruit in our lives—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). These are not works of our flesh, which is incapable of producing such fruit, but they are products of the Spirit’s presence in our lives.

The knowledge that the Holy Spirit of God has taken up residence in our lives, that He performs all these miraculous functions, that He dwells with us forever, and that He will never leave or forsake us is cause for great joy and comfort. Thank God for this precious gift—the Holy Spirit and His work in our lives!***


Dr.Can I Get a Quick Fix?

I remember around my parents divorce at 13 years of age, feeling completely hopeless and empty. Everything that had been normal in my life turned upside down and inside out. I was eventually taken to a psychiatrist and prescribed medication for bi-polar. This is what I have found out on my journey with God.

One in 20 Americans suffer with depression and millions of Americans are on some type of anti-depressant. Also, 25% of Americans will deal with a major-depression episode at one time or another in life. Depression triggers stem from a stressful incident, hormonal changes, event changes, serious medical illnesses that sometimes are terminal, etc. These circumstances are real and happen to us throughout life. They are inevitable and we cannot hide from them.

Most Americans, yes Christians, Jews, Catholics, Athiests, Muslims are all running to the nearest clinic and asking the Dr. to write a script for a pill that will take away their sadness or sense of loss. I was reading in an article by Dr.Dworkin of Atlanta, Georgia that says, ” Doctors are medicating unhappiness. Too many people take drugs when really they need to making changes in their lives.” Coming from a doctor, that says a lot.

I wanted to touch on this subject because it’s very close to my heart and I feel a burden for people who suffer with depression and mental illnesses. I come in contact on a daily basis with people suffering from depression and people who are on a slew of medications that treat anxiety and or depression. I personally have come to find that God can cure all diseases and it is for everyone.

In Hebrews 4 we hear Paul’s heart from a dark and lonely prison cell as he speaks these words,” Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving,let your requests be known to God; and the PEACE which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and MINDS in Christ Jesus.”

I believe that most lukewarm christians pray to God in need and want therefore when the storm and the winds blow they don’t know where to turn or how to escape. It’s by human nature we want to protect and guard ourselves from these feelings and emotions, but it is in fact a part of life.

Men in the bible such as Abraham, Jonah, Job, Elijah, King Saul, Jeremiah, and David all suffered bouts of depression. God uses the weak and humble so when they were at their weakest God got the most glory. The proud resist God. They were not too proud to admit their emotions and feelings of depair. Jesus came so we could have REST. Rest in mind, body and spirit.

Once I admitted my deep wounds, my sorrow, and my depair and poured it out before the Lord I had a high that no pill, no person, no job, no drink could ever give me. He came in and brought peace and restoration. Out of almost 7 years of being on different anti-depressents, being suicidal, and so-called “bi-polar”. I am here to tell you that no matter what dark place you’re in, God can not only bring peace of mind, but healing, restoration, and He can even give you a beautiful love story of His mercy and healing power! Pour it out and let Him fill you today. God bless you on your journey with Him!!

God's Timing and Baby News

In my human nature I let myself wonder, “why is this not happening yet?” Or “why has this…not gone as planned. As I was reading a devotional that I wanted to put on here [it wouldnt let me paste it] I was realizing how much we need discernment. God says one of four things. *Never *Always *At certain times * Now now. How often do we see something not happening and we go ahead of God and His plan and make it happen? God doesn’t have our time table and we forget so often His timing is uncomparible to ours and always better. The challenge is staying still enough to let God do His mighty work in us and our daily lives.

On a lighter note we went in for our 16 week check up yesterday and it doesn’t get old hearing the heartbeat. I wish I could sit there for an hour and listen to his/her heartbeat. It’s a powerful thing to hear. God blows me away.

We find out the sex Nov.9th and my mom and sister will be coming up from Memphis to find out the exciting news of what baby Lawson is:-) I still get asked a lot, “what do you want?” My answer is this and always will be with each child. “I want what God has for Joseph and me.” Plus we want a big family so I’m not worried about not getting both eventually:-) haha But God is soveriegn and I want what He has.

I pray that this baby will have a passion for Jesus and that they will have visions and hear from God in ways I haven’t. I want my child to teach me the things of God that I have forgotten. I want to learn how to have a child like faith and I am excited to have a child to love and rear up to love God will all of their heart. Ok, Im crying now. [must be hormones] Nah, its just me.

Go after God! Give Him all and He will bless your socks off!